Episode 4. HANA AZAB on being guided by intuition and playing with the fabric of the future.

Today’s guest is Hana Azab. A chameleon, a shapeshifter and a multidimensional creative being in every sense of the word and her work might just be the remedy to change the course of our future.

Hana is a modern day renaissance woman. A trained engineer, technologist, artist and designer, she completed a bachelor’s in civil engineering and received a professional engineering license by the age of 20. 

As a consultant and collaborator among some of the world’s most foremost thought leaders, from CEO of Spatial Labs Iddris Sandhu and musical recording artist Grimes, Azab’s investment in exploring the diverse ways different people express humanity and the desire to bring them together to shape the future, has been a driving force for her trajectory. 

For her, it started at the tender age of 10 years old in Egypt where her mere existence was a rebellion. Whether it was in her clothing choices or simply taking the train alone as a young woman in Egypt, her will to take up space with the intention to establish and protect her freedom of expression became integral to her mission. 

Her foundation shaped her career path as an interdisciplinary creative technologist, leading her to become a director at Arshia Architects before the age of 21. Guided by her life's journey, achievements, and ongoing curiosity about human behavior, she founded The Kinship Project. This transmedia incubator aims to promote new cultural narratives through innovative forms of human interaction, manifested in artifacts and experiences.

The first manifestation of the Kinship project unfolded just days ahead of the recording of this interview, where we were able to capture this tender moment of Hana’s experience recalingl every detail in her creative process and the events unfolding.

Strap yourself in for this one, it’s equal parts revolutionary and mystical and I feel so honoured to introduce you to the game-changing world of Hana Azab.

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Episode 6. How to live with a creative mind: Expert Episode with Dr Julie Crabtree.


Episode 3. AMELIA ZADRO on leading with integrity, being a Values-Led Model and creating a world you want to see.